Saturday, January 24, 2009

Recognizing Subconscious Fears & Desires

Our dreams are one of the best sources for uncovering subconscious fears and desires. Our worst nightmares are a way to discover some of our deepest fears just as our most enjoyable dreams are a reflection of some of our biggest desires.

Half the battle is the discovery, the second half is connecting these powerful emotions to our awake lives, whether it's recognizing a similarity between our current direction in life and a subconscious desire to use as a driver, or whether it's recognizing where a subconscious fear is preventing us from achieving a desired result and we simply need to find a way to face that fear head on.

Understanding & Recognizing Fear

Without fear, there would be no order in this world of ours. We all live within our own world of fears (which includes other people's fears in our world), and unfortunately we will never be able to see more than just that, but we can continually increase our vision throughout our lifetime by recognizing these fears and ridding ourselves of the one's that fail to allow opportunities to enter our vision.

If you can think back to all the times your heart has skipped a beat out of fear, those are the most powerful moments that have shaped our core being and continue to limit our potential for living more fulfilling lives.

Idea Behind Blog

Our fears are the biggest emotional blocker that prevents all of us from living more fulfilling lives. Our desires are what should give direction and drive to our lives. Our subconscious hides away many of our fears and desires that need to be unlocked in order to live our live's to their fullest potential.

The purpose of this blog is to empower people by increasing their awareness of their fears, desires, and then provide ways to help root out the fears that hold us back, excite the desires that drive us forward, and find ways to shape our future through the use of these fears and desires and connecting them with our conscious lives.